
Customs Clearance of Aircraft arriving or departing Australia will vary depending on its purpose in Australia and how it arrives. We suggest appointing an Customs Broker prior to arrival of your Aircraft to ensure a seamless process.

The Australian Border Force Website has a great fact sheet on the requirements to import into Australia


Smaller aircraft are also commonly disassembled and packed into sea containers. All used equipment is subject to inspection by Quarantine. Its a good idea to take photos as the plane is being packed into the container to determine what potential risk their is. Only an approved Quarantine premises are able to unpack sea containers and there is only one in Western Australia which specializes in unpacking aircraft from containers, and that is Airflight Pty Ptd.

It should be noted that with sea planes the floats should be empty.

Aircraft arriving on Own Power

If you are flying into Australia on their own power from overseas will require a full range of customs forms to be completed and procedures followed prior to arrival. Such forms include;

Methods of Customs Clearance

Entering for Home Consumption – Typically used in cases where an aircraft will conduct business on a temporary or permanent basis for the first time.

Entering as a Temporary Importation – would allow for clearance of Aircraft without payment of security in Australia if the goods were arriving with ATA or CPD Carnet. The benefits of using a Carnet is that you can travel through multiple countries without having to put down multiple securities with those governments. Instead a security is taken initially to issue the Carnet overseas

Ozone Licence 

Department of Environment requires equipment with pre-charged gas to apply for a Ozone Depleting Substance/SGG equipment license. Such equipment is commonly air conditioning appliances and refrigeration equipment. Click here for more information.

Quarantine Requirements

Quarantine refer to used aircraft on their BICON data base here.